Clinique Omicron is committed to handling all complaints confidentially, impartially and efficiently, to ensure patient satisfaction and professional standards. Complaints management follows a structured process, enabling every patient to express his or her concerns in complete transparency.
6.1. Filing a complaint with Clinique Omicron
- Form of complaint :
Complaints must be formulated in writingThis includes the reason for the incident, the date of the incident, the professionals involved, and any other relevant information needed to assess the situation.
- Contact details for complaints :
E-mail :
Telephone (for assistance with procedure): 514-606-3350
- Complaints handling process :
1. Acknowledgement of receipt within 5 working days of receipt of complaint.
2. Assessment of the complaint by an internal complaints management committee.
3. Written response to complainant within 20 working days, specifying findings and corrective measures envisaged, if any.
6.2. Complaints to the competent professional bodies
If the complaint concerns the professional conduct of a Clinique Omicron employee, the complainant may also contact the appropriate professional association directly:
- Medicine (CMQ):
Collège des Médecins du Québec -
- Nursing Care (OIIQ) :
Ordre des Infirmières et Infirmiers du Québec -
- Psychology (OPQ) :
Ordre des Psychologues du Québec -
- Nutrition (ODNQ):
Ordre des Diététistes-Nutritionnistes du Québec -
- Other health professions :
The complainant can consult the website of the professional association concerned to find out about the specific procedure.
6.3. Additional right of recourse
In the event of dissatisfaction after the complaint has been handled by Clinique Omicron or the relevant professional association, the patient may also contact :
- The Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse (CDPDJ) if the complaint concerns fundamental rights issues.
- The Commission d'accès à l'information (CAI) if the complaint concerns the protection of personal information.
6.4. Commitment of Clinique Omicron
Clinique Omicron undertakes to :
- Ensure the confidentiality of information exchanged in connection with the complaint.
- Protect patients who make complaints from any form of reprisal.
- Implement corrective actions, where necessary, to improve service quality.
Acceptance clause:_
_"By using the services of Clinique Omicron, I acknowledge that I have been informed of the complaint management procedures and recourses available from the competent professional orders."_