Clinique Omicron wishes to inform its patients about the particularities of the Quebec Health Insurance Plan (RAMQ), to ensure complete transparency regarding patients' financial responsibilities.
2.1 Information on physicians not participating in RAMQ
Some physicians practicing at Clinique Omicron are non-participating professionals under the Quebec health insurance plan. This means that :
- Patients must pay these professionals directly for the services they receive;
- RAMQ will not refund these costs, even for insured services;
- Patients can keep their invoices for personal tax purposes.
2.2. Patients' financial responsibilities
By accessing the services of the Omicron Clinic, patients :
– Acknowledge and accept their financial responsibility for all costs related to the care they receive;
- Agree to pay the amounts due in accordance with the terms defined when the appointment is made;
- Understand that lack of RAMQ coverage does not entitle you to any recourse against the clinic.
2.3 Legal clause (R.S.Q., c. A-29)
In accordance with the Health Insurance Act (R.S.Q., c. A-29) :
- Clinique Omicron is required to inform patients that certain doctors are non-participating;
- This legal notice is provided for information purposes only, to avoid any confusion regarding the possibility of reimbursement by the RAMQ;
- By accepting the services, patients acknowledge that they have been informed of this situation.