13.1. Validation of Patient Information to Avoid Fraud : 
Clinique Omicron implements strict measures to guarantee the security of transactions and claims.
- Systematic verification of personal information when making claims.
- Patient authentication prior to processing any financial request.
- Monitoring suspicious activity to prevent fraud.

13.2. Complaint procedure (48-hour period) : 
Patients have 48 hours after the service has been provided to submit a formal complaint.
- Complaints should be sent by e-mail to plainte@cliniqueomicron.caspecifying :
- Patient's full name
- Medical file number 
- Detailed description of the problem encountered
- All relevant supporting documents
- After this deadline, complaints will only be considered in exceptional circumstances.

13.3 Internal Complaints Management Committee : 
A dedicated internal committee is responsible for :
- Evaluate complaints objectively and impartially.
- Analyze the circumstances surrounding the complaint, consulting the relevant professionals if necessary.
- Issue a decision within 10 working days of receipt of a complete complaint.
- Communicate the final decision to the patient in writing, along with the reasons for the decision.

Clinique Omicron undertakes to treat all complaints seriously, confidentially and diligently.